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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yes, you read that RIGHT!

The decision to write this blog has been a hard one, because being fat is personal. 
 It's embarrassing. 
 It's ugly. 
 And for me, it's emotionally excruciating. 

It has kept me from living my life. 

Kept me out of priceless moments with my children. 
Out of pictures, out of social events, out of touch with friends.


But after 31 years of living this way, it's almost over. Thank God!

In a few short months, I will be undergoing the most amazing transformation.  It will start with Gastric Bypass Surgery, and a "before" picture......and it will end with a completely redesigned life. 
The "after" picture that has literally consumed my thoughts and dreams for 22 years is finally within reach. 
I have never been so excited for something in my life. Never.
(yes, I mean that.....unfortunately.)

My hope in putting this all out there, is that it's cathartic for me.  Obviously, I have A LOT of mental issues to deal with on the inside, and writing has always been a way for me to express them.  
Please don't judge. 
Don't tell me I should try "this new diet" instead.
Don't tell me about your friend's sister's uncle's cousin who lost weight by eating only kale and organic eggs.....or whatever!

Please DO be supportive, please DO follow my journey, and please DO understand that I've tried EVERYTHING....and I'm done now.

Done missing out.  Done hating myself.  Done letting my weight control me. 


I'm also DONE with this freakin' depressing first blog!  So here I to write a much more amusing post.....because in my years of being your FAT FRIEND, I've learned to be pretty darn funny!  It's okay to laugh when I make fun of myself....I don't mind.....

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