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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

You Might Be A Foster Mom If...........

You might be a foster mom if...

You might be a foster mom if you have to call and get

 permission to get your kid's hair cut.

You might be a foster mom if you have more baby's mamas 

than anyone you have ever ran across.

You might be a foster mom if you asked your hubby right

before Christmas "Can I have two little girls for 


You might be a foster mom if a week off means no visits.

You might be a foster mom if you have "gut feelings" about 

other people's kids.

You might be a foster mom if you see kids of all different 

colors and you think "wow, what a beautiful family."

You might be a foster mom if you are constantly worried if

 all the medicines and cleaners in your house are lock 

away properly.

You might be a foster mom if you regularly have to deal with 

people who make no sense.

You might be a foster mom if you let people walk all over 

you because you love their kids.

You might be a foster mom if you dream of being in a court 

room signing adoption papers instead of in a delivery

 room giving birth.

You might be a foster mom if you thought you would only 

take certain kinds of "situations" and now you say yes to

just about any phone call you get.

You might be a foster mom if you are able to love kids like 

they are your own within one minute of learning they

 even exist.

You might be a foster mom if you know all the correct terms 

like "ICP" "DHS" and "GAL"

You might be a foster mom if in your basement you have 

clothes that would fit any size child, boy or girl.

You might be a foster mom if you own more car seats than 

will fit in your car.

You might be a foster mom if you are used to stupid people 

making stupid decisions all the time and you 

manage to plan ahead for them.

You might be a foster mom if you look at every day as if it 

might be your last.

You might be a foster mom if you are willing to take on the 

pain of others so it will hurt these kids just a little less.

You might be a foster mom if the kids that were with you 

last Christmas weren't with you this Christmas.

You might be a foster mom if you have to refer to the 

bedrooms in your house by the color on their walls instead 

of by who does/did sleep in them.

You might be a foster mom if kids that you barely know call 

you mom....and you love it.

You might be a foster mom if your heart has been broken 

too many times, and you still say yes to the next call.

You might be a foster mom if you decide to take on a 

system that is more broken than anything you have ever 

seen in your life.

You might be a foster mom if you read all this, understand 

it, and still decide to do it.

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